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Humane Euthanasia
The decision to say goodbye to your beloved companion is one of the hardest decisions for a family to make. To help you understand the process, here are some tips:
Is it time? Consider your pet’s quality of life. When a pet’s quality of life has deteriorated to the point when they are:
in persistent physical pain or discomfort
if they are unable to get up and move adequately to eliminate consistently outside (or in their litterbox)
if they have severe restlessness, anxiety, or vocalization
if they persistently soil themselves or their bedding and/or develop pressure sores
if they are not eating or drinking adequately for hydration and nutrition
if they are not cognizant of their surroundings or owners
if they have little or no interest in everyday activities
if they are having labored breathing (or need oxygen) or frequent seizures, despite medication
if they have metastatic cancer
Then it may be more kind to consider euthanasia to help prevent further decline or suffering of a beloved pet.
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